Primary Care Nurse Triage now available 24/7/365

As a patient of Mayo Clinic Primary Care in Rochester and Kasson, you now have 24/7/365 access to Primary Care Nurse Triage, also known as the nurse line.
As part of your care team, our nurses will answer your questions and help you determine if self-care, an in-person or video visit, or immediate medical attention is required. They can help you get the proper care for your needs, often without having to leave the comfort of your home.
The Primary Care Nurse Triage team consists of expert registered nurses who can discuss new or worsening symptoms, then provide evidence-based recommendations guided by Mayo Clinic expertise and educational content.
You now have 24/7/365 access to Primary Care Nurse Triage by calling your primary care appointment line during business hours or the Mayo Clinic operator after hours at 507-284-2511.
Use Check Symptoms to manage your care independently
In addition to Primary Care Nurse Triage, you have 24/7/365 access to the Check Symptoms tool through your Patient Portal account. This quick, easy and convenient option will ask you to answer a series of questions to evaluate your symptoms, then provide a care recommendation. These questions and recommendations are similar to those you will experience when calling Primary Care Nurse Triage.
You can use Check Symptoms for a variety of common symptom concerns. The tool provides recommendations that are evidence-based and guided by clinical protocols. Recommendations could include self-care instructions based on Mayo Clinic educational content or making an in-person or video visit appointment using the self-schedule feature.
Check Symptoms is available to patients who have a Mayo Clinic primary care provider and have a home address in Arizona, Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin.