Featured Stories
Work more comfortably while pregnant
6/6/2022 by April Shuneson, APRN, CNM
These tips may help you stay healthy and productive on the job.
Minority stress and LGBTQ+ family health
6/2/2022 by Cesar Gonzalez, Ph.D., L.P., and Anne Roche, Ph.D.
Minority stress refers to the physical and emotional distress unique to LGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities.
Enjoy the benefits of exercise
5/26/2022 by Benjamin Lai, M.B., B.Ch. B.A.O.
Exercise improves your physical and mental well-being.
During uncertain times, trust your primary care provider
5/23/2022 by Timothy Van Gelder, M.D., and Paul Robelia, M.D.
The relationship between patients and their health care team is the foundation of safe, effective health care.
Shingles vaccine now available for more people
5/19/2022 by Robert M. Jacobson, M.D.
In addition to those 50 and over, the shingles vaccine is now available for people at least 19 years of age who are or will become immunosuppressed.