Featured Stories
What you need to know about testicular cancer
4/22/2024 by David Brennan, M.D.
While relatively uncommon, it's the most common cancer in males aged 15 to 35.
Are you eligible for Medicaid?
4/18/2024 by Lacey Pegram-Olson, B.A., L.A.D.C.
Find out more about Medicaid, who is eligible and how to apply.
Keeping safe on the farm
4/15/2024 by Allison Ducharme-Smith, M.D.
A farm is a wonderful place to be and learn, but it can also be a dangerous place.
Blood donations help the littlest survive
Mom of premature baby recognizes the gift of life a blood donation brings.
Struggling to discipline your child? Here's what works
4/8/2024 by Chris Derauf, M.D., and Angela Mattke, M.D.
Other forms of discipline may be more effective than yelling or spanking.