Sibshops: Chip Shots, pizza and a movie

Sibshops is a program for children and teens who have a sibling living with chronic health, mental health or developmental needs. Sibshops events offer therapeutic opportunities for children and teens to connect with peers experiencing similar circumstances. The events are held multiple times throughout the year and are divided into age groups:
- 6–12 years (school-age).
- 13–18 years (teen edition).
- Family Event.
Children and teens who participate in Sibshops have the opportunity to:
- Explore their experience of having a sibling living with chronic health, mental health or developmental needs.
- Express how they view their family and their role within it.
- Relate to and have fun with kids facing similar circumstances.
- Enhance their awareness of how important they are.
- Have fun by playing games, doing crafts and engaging in physical activities.
Join us for "Chip Shots, Pizza and a Movie!" on Monday, Feb. 17
The day will begin with drop-off at Chip Shots (3708 North Broadway Avenue, Suite 140, Rochester, Minnesota). It will end with pick-up (time to be determined) following a matinee showing at CMX Chateau Theater (3450 East Circle Drive NE, Rochester, Minnesota.) Registration is required by Saturday, Feb. 1 ($10 per child — scholarships are available). Space is limited, so register soon.
For more information about Sibshops or the upcoming event, email