Break the chain of infection
12/7/2023 by Luke Hafdahl, M.D.

'Tis the season for families to gather in their homes and celebrate the holidays. However, we are not the only ones celebrating — COVID-19, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and countless other bugs and germs, such as cold viruses and stomach flu, are thrilled to have us huddled together indoors, shaking hands and sharing towels and door handles. It just makes their job of spreading disease all the easier.
These last years have reminded us that the simplest things are our best weapons against infection (masking, social distancing, etc). We have been reminded that breaking the chain of infection isn't just a doctor's prescription but includes wisdom from your mother, like "Wash your hands!" In addition to getting vaccinated for COVID, influenza and RSV, here are a few tips to make sure you're doing handwashing right.
When to wash
- Before, during and after preparing food.
- Before eating.
- Before and after caring for someone sick.
- After changing a diaper, blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, using the toilet or touching garbage.
- After touching an animal, animal food or animal waste.
How to wash
- Wet. Use clean, running water (no standing water). Any temperature is fine.
- Lather. Any soap will work. There's no evidence that soaps with special “antibacterial” ingredients are better at preventing disease.
- Scrub. Studies show that about 20 seconds is the right amount for most situations (sing the 'Happy Birthday' song to get the timing right). Don't forget the back of your hands and under your nails.
- Rinse. Again, clean, running water is a must. Standing water leads to recontamination.
- Dry. Wet hands transfer germs more easily. Dry them on a clean towel or air dry.
- No soap and water? No problem! Hand sanitizers with at least 60 percent alcohol will do the job.
COVID, influenza, RSV and their friends are here to ruin your holidays, so be safe and thoughtful this holiday season. Get vaccinated and make sure you follow these hand-washing tips to keep you and your family healthy during this holiday season!
Luke Hafdahl, M.D., is a primary care physician in Community Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Care in Rochester, Minn., and practices in the Baldwin building.