Featured Stories
Break the chain of infection
12/7/2023 by Luke Hafdahl, M.D.
The simplest things can help keep you healthy this holiday season.
Are you at risk for sexually transmitted infections?
11/30/2023 by Jenna Johnson, APRN, C.N.P., D.N.P.
Find out what the risks are and how you can protect yourself.
Can home baby monitors prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
11/27/2023 by Noelle Torrance, M.D.
No home monitoring system has been found to prevent SIDS.
Considerations for caregivers
11/20/2023 by Robert Stroebel, M.D.
Before you agree to the role of caregiver, be honest with yourself and your loved ones about your resources and abilities.
Why screen for lung cancer?
11/16/2023 by Denise Dupras, M.D., Ph.D.
The two biggest risk factors for lung cancer are smoking history and age.